Проигрыш: F Am Dm Am A#m
F Am Dm Am A#m
I wake up with a girl, with long long violet hair
We get up
Am Dm
I didn’t ask her what we do,
Am A#m
There is no need to know the truth
Gm Am F#
I sit down, on the chair, I look on the trees
Gm Am F#
Behind the window ohh only 5 degree
I wanna wake up in the world
Where no need, no pain, no war, no disease
And with violet headed girl
We’ll go to the seven sea
Проигрыш: F Am Dm Am A#m
I sit down, on the chair, I look on the trees
Behind the window oh only 5 degree
I woke up with the girl, with the big deep proud
We get up
I didn’t ask her what we do,
There is no need to know the truth
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