Is it cruel or kind
Am C
not to speak my mind
and to lie to you
rather than hurt you
I`ll confess all of my sins
after several large gins
but still I hide from you
hide what’s inside from you
and alarm bells ring
when you say your heart still sings when you’re with me
please forgive me
I no longer hear the music
and the memories of the pubs and the clubs and the drugs and the tubs we shared together
will stay with me forever
but all the highs and the lows and the tos and the fros
left me dizzy
oh please forgive me
I no longer hear the music
C, Em, Am, C, Dm, G (barred so you can slide to F# and F)
G F# F C
I no longer hear the music when the lights go out
love goes cold in the shades of doubt
F G F#
the strange fat in my mind is all too clear
music when the lights come on
the girl I thought I knew has gone
and with her my heart it disappears
I no longer hear the music
Em, Am, C, Dm, G
All the memories of the fights and nights under blue lights and all the kites we flew together
will stay with me forever
but all the highs and the lows and the tos and the fros
left me dizzy
oh please forgive me
I no longer hear the music
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