I’ve been waitin on the other side, for your friends to leave
E E7 A Am E
So I don’t have to hide, I prefer they didnt know
So I’ve been waiting on the other side, for your friends to Go
I’ve been sliding down a slippy slope, I’ve been climbing
Up a slowly burning rope, but the flame is getting low
B6 B7 E E7
I’ve been waitin’ on the other side, for your friends to Go
A Am E F#m7 C#m
You never need to worry about me, I’ll be fine on my own
C Em7
Someone else can worry about me
I’ve spent alot of time on my own
F#m7 B7
I’ve spent alot of time on my own
I’ve been waitin till the danger passed, I don’t know
How long the storm is gonna to last, if we’re gonna carry on
I’ll been waiting on the other side, till your friends are gone
So tell me what I wanna know
I’ll be waiting on the other side, for your friends to Go
A Am E F#m7 C#m
Someone else can worry about me
I’ve spent alot of time on my own
I’ve spent alot of time on my own
I’ve been waiting on the other side, for your friends to leave
So I don’t have to hide, I prefer they didnt know
So I’ve been waiting on the other side, for your friends to Go
I’ve been waiting on the other side
B7 E E7 A Am E
I’ve been waiting on the other side, for your friends to Go
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