Transcribed by [email protected]
Tune guitar down a semitone (1/2 step)
Am x02210
A# x88766
A#m7 x13121
C x32010
C(2) x35553
Cm x35543
Cm7 x35343
C# x46664
Dm xx0231
E 022100
E(2) x79997
F 133211
G 320003
N.C. no chord
|N.C.| |N.C.| |N.C.| |N.C.|
|Am| |Am C| |F| |F Dm|
|G| |E| |Am| |Am E|
Verse 1:
Am |Am C|
Op-en your eyes and live_ a-gain
F |F Dm|
And I’ll op-en my heart and love_ a-gain
G E Am |Am E|
I’ll op-en my mind deep in-side yes I know its_ blue
Verse 2:
Am |Am C|
We all be-lieved in Am_ster-dam
F |F Dm|
Pa-ris and Spain and Viet_nam
G E Am |Am E|
No one be-lieved you when-you said your heart was_ blue
F Cm7
It’s rain-ing in-side and it’s rain-ing to-night
A#m7 C(2)
And it’s rain-ing for me and for you
F Cm7
Cos all that we see is a life fucked by mon-ey
C# C(2)
And a world of ce-le-bri-ty fools
F Cm
(Oh Si-mon_) are you lost in the pol-lu-tion?
A# C(2)
(Si-mon_) are you some-where in my soul?
F Cm
(Si-mon_) are you noth-ing but a no-tion?_
C# E(2) |E(2) N.C.|
(Si-mon_) where do we go?_ Now_
Verse 3:
Am |Am C|
Planes write your name up in_ the sky
F |F Dm|
And flow-ers die for your su_i-cide
G E Am |Am E|
Trains stopped in vain and the pain stopped for you ooh__
Verse 4:
Am |Am C|
And we all be-lieved in in_su-lin
F |F Dm|
Per-fume and soap and ven_to-lin
G E Am |Am E|
But-no one be-lieved you when-you said you heart was_ blue
F Cm7
It’s rain-ing in-side and it’s rain-ing to-night
A#m7 C(2)
And it’s rain-ing for me and for you
F Cm7
When noth-ing makes sense but the pounds and the pence
C# C(2)
And the dol-lars and cents oh we lose?_
F Cm
(Oh Si-mon_) are you a-toms in a jam jar?
A# C(2)
(Si-mon_) are you some-where in my soul?
F Cm
(Si-mon_) are you noth-ing but a pho-to in a pass-port?
C# C(2)
(Si-mon_) where do we go?__
F Cm C# C(2)
Oh___ (oh Si-mon_) oh___ (oh Si-mon_)
F Cm C# C(2)
Oh___ (oh Si-mon_) oh___ oh___
|F| |C(2)| |F| |C(2)|
Oh___ oh___
|F| |C(2)| |F| |C(2)|
Oh___ oh__ oh___ oh__
|F| |F|
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